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Category Archives: Portraits

Christian’s Surprise Lego Party

A couple weeks ago, we celebrated my son’s 6th birthday with a surprise party at the Lego Store. It was the first time we’ve thrown either of our kids a surprise party. My son’s current obsession (along with video games) is Legos so we thought a Lego Store party would be perfect! Most of his...

The Sanguily Family

This weekend I met the Sanguily Family. They were super sweet and relaxed! They got wet several times and still kept smiling-thank you! I got to meet little Desius, who just turned 9 months old. He was all smiles! He loved my daughter-who was mostly responsible for all of his gorgeous smiles! He was mesmerized...

My Baby

I guess that I can hold you one more time before you grow. And tell you that I love you so that you will always know. Please let me tie your shoe again. One day you’ll tie your own. And when you think back to this time I hope it’s love I’ve shown. I want...

Nicolette Moku

Southern California & Central Texas