$5001 hour lifestyle session
$75 print credit
4 high resolution digital images
$5851 hour lifestyle session
$150 print credit
10 high resolution digital images
$6601 hour lifestyle session
All high resolution digital
images included in a
private gallery


Every year Vanessa asks me to photograph her girls for their birthdays. And every year Danica starts off shy. She’s getting better as she gets older and becomes more familiar with me (she was surprised to find out we’re cousins!). As usual, she was a little uncomfortable at the beginning of the session so we chatted about who our best friends are and who’s birthdays are coming up. I’d snap a few pictures here and there and by the end of the session we were holding hands, singing and dancing to Disney music. I think we all (Danica, her sister Alex and I) had a fun time!d3da2d9b15d8d16d10d7d11da1d17d12d1d20

Nicolette Moku

Southern California & Central Texas