$5001 hour lifestyle session
$75 print credit
4 high resolution digital images
$5851 hour lifestyle session
$150 print credit
10 high resolution digital images
$6601 hour lifestyle session
All high resolution digital
images included in a
private gallery

Holiday Mini Sessions 2021

holiday mini sessions 2021This summer has been good to us. Not too many days of 100 degree weather. I’ll admit, I’m still looking forward to the cozy weather, hot lattes, snuggles and seeing all of my families. I’ve scheduled all the dates and locations for this years mini sessions. There’s a fresh list of locations and looks and I can’t wait to see you!


20 Min Sessions

6 Images

Oct 24th in Palos Verdes. The setting will be a European Courtyard and nature for $230

(see the location, here.)

Oct 30th in Irvine. The setting will be nature with trees and trails for $230 – SOLD OUT

(see the location, here.)

Nov 13th in Montebello. The setting will be an outdoor curated backdrop with white and red floral arrangements for $280

(see inspiration for the backdrop in photo below)

Nov 14th in Montebello. The setting will have a Spanish trellis, nature and trails for $230- SOLD OUT

(see the location, here.)

Nov 20th in Huntington Beach. The setting will be an indoor natural light studio. There will be 3 backdrops available with a Christmas tree for $300- SOLD OUT

(see the location, here.)

*** NEW*** Dec 4th in Brea. The setting will be an indoor studio with 2 Christmas backdrops. The first will be a snowy hot chocolate set (dress warm and cozy to go with the theme). The second will be a white Christmas tree, fireplace and lots of cute decor. Both of these sets will be adorable and so Christmasy!! Pictures below.










To book your session and see availability, click here.


Don’t see a date or location that works for you? Book a full session to choose the date and location. You’ll receive more time with me that will enable more freedom, location changes and more poses.

Also, refer a friend and get $30 off a full session. Referrals are so important to me! So, if you know a friend who needs or wants photos, send them my way!

Have questions about a session? Email me at info@Nicolettemoku.com



Nicolette Moku

Southern California & Central Texas