$5001 hour lifestyle session
$75 print credit
4 high resolution digital images
$5851 hour lifestyle session
$150 print credit
10 high resolution digital images
$6601 hour lifestyle session
All high resolution digital
images included in a
private gallery

The Burke-Mendoza Family

I met the Burke-Mendoza family last weekend. They have 2 adorable boys; Brayden and Byron. And I mean ADORABLE! Brayden wasn’t exactly excited to take pictures but what 3 year old is?! He did well even though he didn’t want to participate. Little Byron sat contently in his Mommy and Daddy’s arms with a look of awe on his face (I tend to have that affect.. haha I’m soooo kidding!)..

I’m glad I had the chance to meet them and be apart of their holiday experience! Happy Holidays Brandon, Odessa and boys!m1m5m6m7m3m2m8m9m10dip

Nicolette Moku

Southern California & Central Texas